"Yevhen Stankovych is a contemporary Ukrainian composer, and his 1993 Ukrainian Requiem memorializes one of the most catastrophic, largely overlooked tragedies of the 20th Century: the Holodomor, in which millions of Ukrainians died from an artificial famine created largely by Stalin's orders."
-Andrew Koehler, Associate Professor of Music at Kalamazoo College, Music Director and Conductor of the Kalamazoo Philharmonia
The work will receive its US premiere next spring, performed in Chicago and Kalamazoo by the Kalamazoo Philharmonia and the Bach Festival Chorus, led by conductor Andrew Koehler. This music -- by turns haunting and riveting -- bears particular resonance for Koehler, who has studied and taught about the Ukrainian Genocide-Holodomor and is a heritage speaker of Ukrainian.

At the Intersection of the Personal, the Historical, and the Musical